this Ummah deserves

Few spots remaining at Muslim Public Speaker workshop. Learn More.

Our Programs

3 - 6 months per level

16+ years old

Arabic Language Program

3 - 6 months per level

7+ to 70+ years old

Quran Memorization Program

1 year

13 - 18 years old

Siraj Youth Leadership Program

2-3 years

18+ years old

Diploma in Islamic Leadership


25+ years old

Training for Muslim Leaders

Our Services

Educational Training and Review

Training to teachers of Islamic Schools and review curricula, syllabi, and teaching dossiers. Our success is in making Islamic Education better, in every possible way.

Islamic Compliance to Competence

Do your offer services or products to Muslim individuals or organizations? We can help provide review and training on cultural competency and Sharia compliance in dealing with your Muslim clients, employees, and stakeholders. 

Welfare for Imams and Community Leaders

First comprehensive program to provide comprehensive healthcare, legal, accounting, counselling, and family services to Imams, scholars, teachers, and Muslim community leaders across Canada.

Important Message

From Zijad Delic

Imam Zijad Delic makes an appeal to the Muslims of North America and the world to support the many necessary programs run by Siraj Institute of Ottawa, Canada. He asks you to build the Muslim leaders of tomorrow through donating and getting the rewards of Allah in this life and the next.


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