Quran Memorization Program

Adult and young Muslims with varying levels of knowledge and memorization can sign up with our Quran Memorization Program. It is open to students who can read the Arabic alphabet (those who cannot, can sign up for our ALP course to prepare).  

The Quran Memorization Program (QMP) offered by Siraj Institute caters to both adult and young Muslims (ages 7+ to 70+), providing them with a structured in-person program to memorize the Quran in circles at a Masjid with other Muslims of similar level. Unlike online programs and private tutors, the Siraj QMP offers comprehensive guidance and support in memorizing the Quran.

With a structure that balances

  • recent memorization
  • long-term retention
  • Tajweed rulings
  • a unique inclusion of peer revision

this program is meticulously designed to facilitate effective Quranic memorization.

By offering structured guidance and peer support, the program empowers learners to deepen their connection to the Quran; which is the most vital source for Muslims to strengthen their faith.

The students will be placed in classes (groups) according to the results of their assessments. Each group consists of four students only. In some cases, five students can be accommodated.

The program has three stages: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.


6 Levels: 13 weeks per Level, 3 levels per year

In this stage, attendees will complete memorization of the 30th Juz’ to the 21st Juz’.

Beginner 1: Short Surah

Learning Outcome: Memorization of the last 8 pages of the Quran (Dhuha to Nas). 

Beginner 2: 30th Juz

Learning Outcome: Memorization of the last twenty pages of the Quran (i.e. the 30th Juz’). This includes the revision of the last 8 pages of the Quran.

Beginner 3: 29th Juz

Learning Outcome: Memorization of 29th and revision of 30th Juz’. 

Beginner 4: Last Tenth

Learning Outcome: Memorization of 28th. Revision of 29th and 30th.

Beginner 5: Mufassal

Learning Outcome: Memorization from Qaf to the end. Includes revision of the last tenth. 

Once a student completes the beginner stages, they’re assigned to be a teacher assistant to a beginner class, then gradually lead the group.


5 Levels: 24 Weeks/6 months per level

In this stage, attendees will learn memorization of 25th Juz to the 1st Juz’.

Eligibility Requirements: Students should be examined in the memorization of the final 5 Juz’ + fluency of Ahkaam al-Tajweed. 

Learning Outcome: Memorization of the remaining 25 ajza’ (i.e. 5 Ajza’ per Level)

Objective: Memorization of 5 Ajza’ in 6 months: i.e. 1 juz’ every 5 weeks, and revision of previous memorization (minimum 5 Juz) once per month. 

Learning Method: Students memorize 4 pages per week, twice a week (i.e. 2 pages per class and revise 25 pages)



5 Levels = 10 Qira’at.

Requirements: Students should have memorized at least 27 Juz, up to the whole Quran and would like to advance their memorization of the Quran. 

Learning Outcome: To obtain ijaza in a new narration of the Quran. Those who already have one narration, are welcome to join the program for a different narration than their previous one.

Learning Outcome: To obtain ijaza in a new narration of the Quran, and learn the Al-Shatibiyya. Those who already have one narration, are welcome to join the program for a different narration than their previous one.

1st Level: Ijaza in one narration (recite all the Quran from memory)

2nd Level: Memorize the second recitation (riwaya) of the same Qira’ah (e.g. if your first level is Asim via Hafs, the second would be Sho’bah)

3rd Level: Recite the Silat group of narrations (Qalun, Ibn Kathir, Abi Jaafar)

4th Level: Learn the Seven qira’at of Shatibiyya

5th Level: Learn the Dorrah complementary three qiraat, to complete the ten qira’at.


We welcome requests for even greater levels of Quran study, even if they are not available on this page.  Please reach out by sending us an email with your interest.